Monday 6 January 2014

Recycling task!


FILM: Robots

Recycling is used in the film “Robots”. It is first introduced into the film when the older robots start breaking and second hand parts are becoming harder to find due to them being made into new expensive parts. In the film recycling is used for both good and bad, good being that they use old parts for “hand me downs” and bad being parts are taken and made into new parts and sold for profit. Whether for good and bad the film portrays in many ways how important recycling is.

GAME: Minecraft

Technically in the game Minecraft it does feature recycling because as the player you can collect materials and items and use them to make other items of a different purpose. All things are "recyclable" in Minecraft and it is necessary for the player to do this in order to survive.

LITERATURE: Harry Potter Half blood prince

In the book the main villain Lord Voldemort, does actually recycle! Instead of throwing out old jewellery he reuses them to make a Horcrux, 7 of them in fact! He might be evil but he isn't wasting any old jewellery.. maybe not for the right cause but it is recycling!


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